Sunday, November 21, 2010

How come the media and government doesn't make this rising issue aware in our country? Please read all?

The media lets us know about everything else, such as rape, murders and crazy ish that happens daily and is nothing new in our society. (I'm not putting down rape, murders and crazy ish as nothing, but I'm talking about SOMETHING that affects us all - Americans!)

Yesterday night I went into the store and my mom bought 3 deli sandwiches. Now if you're a New Englander like me than you will know we have alot of Hindus, Muslims, Arabs and whatever in these deli stores, subways, gas stations, dunkin donuts, etc etc. Now, okay so we check them out at the cashier. Of course they're Arabs, Pakis or whatever the hell they are, I can't tell them apart, they're all Islamic and that's all that matters, but anyways my mom asked if that was his father (A young Arab and Old Arab man behind the counter), he said no that's his Uncle. But then we get checked out come to find out the whole thing was BULL and the sandwiches were expensive. Now we don't mind since we treat ourselves, but GUESS WHAT, the taxes on the 3 sandwiches was $1. My mom was PISSED, it's not we can't afford $1 but the LAW is 6%, okay and we bought a soda, too. This Arab thinks because we're Americans that we are stupid and don't pay attention, and they rip us off. It's no secret, (me growing up around Arabs). Now, he ringed that up, so still who charges $1? That's actually illegal, like I said, it's not we can't afford $1, but it's a shame how these n a s t y muslims come into our country, BOMB us, then turn around and rip us off. Very little people know about what they do, they don't run their mouth. Anyways, we go back and ask for the change, and that you only charge 6 percent in taxes, right? Well the Indian or whatever he was guy got an attitude and said, no. We went back to the car, took our caculator on the phone and did the math and come to find out he did rip us off big time, so we went back and the guy left so his ';nephew'; gave us our change and laughed. I can't stand them. The secret is that Arabs/Indians er whatever they are come over here and get grants from OUR government and open a store right in the GHETTO and make money off us ';so called stupid blacks'; and think because we don't know how to count change and pay attention to ish, they can rip us off. Same for Koreans and other Asians, that open these beauty supply stores. THEN these Muslims send their nasty ripping off money BACK to their countries to buy guns and weapons to their families and bomb us, funny right? Yet the media and government pay no attention to this. WHY? Because they get a free pass, it's a shame where a American can't get no loan for college, yet these nasty immigrants come here and get free money and buy all the businesses up and rip us Americans off (Dunkin Donuts, Subway, 7/11 etc etc etc.) They sicken me, and they pretend as if they are poor by driving poor cars, yet living in million dollar homes and buying guns for their familes back home in their terrorist countries. How long will this continue to happen? I'm even starting to boycott going to the stores in my neighborhood owned by them, you're just continuing to support their illegal actions, and no one is unaware of it. It's pathetic. That wasn't JUST the first time either. I went to the corner store on the east side to get some quick gum, K? Well I had 20 dollars and bought some 35 cent gum, right? I went outside and count my change, come to find out he only game a couple of cents and 15 dollars. BULL, he was an Arab of course, and I didn't even go back in there, cause I know how violent and rude they get when confronted. I'm up to HERE with them. Hey Government, how abou doing something useful for the taxpayers money and tightening our BORDERS. Do you agree with me people???How come the media and government doesn't make this rising issue aware in our country? Please read all?
I know, I live in New England and they own ALL the stores in my neighborhood. They're always rude and nasty, too. This isn't just happening in America, its happening WORLD WIDE. All over America, Europe, Asia, they are overpopulating and ruining our countries. Whenever I go into a store, owned by a Middle Eastern person, I always get dirty looks too. I know in England, Muslims move there, burn their flags, steal their money, bomb the place, and move back to the middle east to cash in all the money they used from ripping off the government:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

These people are horrible! Send them back to where they belong!How come the media and government doesn't make this rising issue aware in our country? Please read all?
i am glad you want to boycott this issue. like you said arabs or asains that do this problem ';Muslims'; right. what about walmart ,kmart or large business employess that charge you twice with out your knowledge at the register. it happens alot to everyone including you. just notice at your receipt.

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i am not trying to be rude. but do not forget also the jewish,italians,french,germans鈥?that opens alot of deli and other places become wealtheir then most. like the latins that have mostly restaurants they will rip you off in a minute. it happened to my friends alot during thier lunch break.

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example, friends and i wanted to eat at a spanish restaurant the lunch suppose to be 5.99 but he charged us 10.99 i noticed it and i told them the problem. not saying all latin and asains and arabs(muslims and christains) are bad dont go to conclusions and say the muslims or asains are the issue.

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Yes some store owners will cheat you in a second. I always run a total in my head and check the receipt before leaving the cash register. I know the person you were talking about was a thief but honest mistakes do happen too. Never trust anyone anymore. Did you report them to the state dept of revenue for misappropriate taxing. Any incident like the ones you describe should be reported to the police.

Kitty ho3 is kinda right.

I think its amazing that I've have only ever seen one white guy working the counter at any 7/11 in my life.

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