Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can I get full custody and child support, Im a stay home mommy with no money?

I went to his house to get personal things and my baby daddy and his father, brother, and cousin all verbal attacked me and harassed me! With threatening my life, and kicking myself and my daughter out of the home. I have no evidence cause it was just myself and my seven month old daughter. That was yesterday, tonight he called the police on me because I would not answer his phone calls and then he came buy beating on the doors and jiggling the door handles. The reason for this was because I was scared, his brother and cousin and himself smoke pot and drink and now they have legal k2 which is pot, didn't want daughter in that type of environment, its just not safe and I want out of it. He was the financial provider and I took care of the baby and household. So I have no money. Does this make me a unfit mother? Im trying to find a job but no luck with it! Don't know what to do! I'm not allowed over there now so how do I get evidence showing that he is an unfit father? He doesn't want to pay child support, and I want full custody, but so does he what do I do?How can I get full custody and child support, Im a stay home mommy with no money?
You can petition (ask) the court / judge to make him take tests to check the drugs in his system.

Everytime time he harasses you, report it to the cops.

Keep written records.

See link below.

Peace.How can I get full custody and child support, Im a stay home mommy with no money?
You both need to grow up and act as adults who have a baby.. If you both keep up this immaturity it would be likely that you daughter could be taken away from both of you. You seem to put all the blame on your husband,,, I suppose you are perfectly innocent?? Two sides to every story.
simple solution go to your local police station or courthouse, tell them exactly whats happened and get a restraining order. then call ur local welfare office tell them ur situation and ask for help. you have to be proactive. u can also call ur local child support office tell them u need to start collecting support and u need to establish parentage and they will take over and begin the process for free
You are not a unfit Mother if you don't have money for your child , and no judge will take your child away because you don't have money only if you show you don't care for your baby and you mistreat it physically them they can take your child away. Go to your county for help with food stamps for you and the baby and tell them the suitation you are in and they will help and the baby out.,go to family and children's services or health dept and family and children services will help you prove the baby is his or not, and they will make him pay child surport and he won't have a chose. Call the cops each time he comes near you and tell them you need them to help you get away from them , that you are scared for your life and your baby's , they will come ASAP . Get away from these people before someone gets killed or seriously hurt.. . need further advice plz email me.. will be glad to be your friend.

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