I hate to tell you what you don't wan to hear, but you need to leave this man. He's obviously only hanging around because he's grown accustomed to the marriage, doesn't want to pay child support, wants you to support him (cooking/cleaning), and/or enjoys seeing you in pain. If this man beats you, even if (so far) it's only been once, STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT HE COULD DO TO YOUR CHILD!!! Your baby is completely defenseless in this world and extremely vulnerable. You may not think he's capable of hurting your child, but if he's ignoring her, and snaps so easily, he could hurt her in the blink of an eye, even KILLING HER!!! Who cares if you can't get help from your family??? Who cares if you don't want to be a divorcee???
I know I may sound a bit harsh to your situation, but I care. I really, really do...
GET OUT NOW!!!!!!How can I change my husband?
too long
did I read somewhere in there that He BEAT YOU? Leave him right away.
You can't change another person and don't waste your time trying. You need to boot your husband out and let him know that whoever told him that he could treat you this way and get by with it...lied to him.
Try getting some marriage counseling...And if that doesn't work then you have no chose but, to move on and file for divorce or continue to live the way you are. You husband is not being the man of his household and he has allowed your brother to come in and disrespect you. Now it is your home so stand up tell your no good for nothing brother to get out and not come back till he can respect you!!!!! Then look your husband in the eye and tell him he will be next if he doesn't shape up!!!
leave him and do it yourself x
You can't change someone who doesn't want to be changed.
The most important thing your relationship is the child. You both brought her into this world and it is BOTH of your responsibility to take care of her until she can fend for herself. But a father who is there but NOT THERE might even be worse than a father that was never there at all. It might be healthy for the child just to get out of that relationship right now.
Well no one really want to divorce but you have to do something. If he is beating you and calling you foul language then you must leave. Your child will hear her father calling you names and think it is okay...and when she gets older she will think it is normal and let someone beat her and call her names and stay because her mom stayed with her dad. He has changed for the worst but he seems very depressed because of you and him having a child...I would set him down and talk to him...tell him he wants to seperate then you need some help to find a place...tell him you need money for rent and that you and him can sell the house and go you and him owns ways....sorry about this situation but the only thing you can do is talk to him...it sounds like he wants out.
I am very sorry, but your husband has changed and blamed it on you. He does not see anything wrong with his behavior. You cannot change him. He has to change himself and I dont see that happening with what you are telling me. You say he is hitting you that is unacceptable. Also, a marriage is a partnership it should be fifty fifty. This means he should help with the household chores and the child care when you are cooking and home from work. I understand you do not want the stigma of being a divorcee, but how can you live the rest of your life in this hell. You are a young woman and have plenty of years left to live. If you wrote this to vent, I hope you feel better, but if you really want advice. You need to leave him. You can take him back once he realizes what he has lost and begs for your forgiveness. Until then, you do not have to deal with this.
To start off here, I must tell you that you can not change your husband. But what you can do is change the situation.
I am hoping that at this time you're mother and brother have respectfully moved out of your home and have gotten on with their lives. While it is an honorable thing to try to support your family, it simply doesn't work.
I hear a lot of different issues here, but the one thing that jumps out at me the most is the fact that your husband seems to be experiencing signs and symptoms of depression. I also see that in you as well.
I do not know if you are religious people and attend a church, if you do, I would certainly start there. Secondly, I would suggest that you attend counseling to improve the situation in your home. The violent out bursts and behavior is simply the tip of what is really the underlying problem.
I would suggest, further that you and your husband be given some alone time to discuss what is going on with both of you. Allow each other to speak freely with out blame or finger pointing.But most importantly. listen with intent and respect.
Good Luck,
You cannot change HIM - but you CAN change yourself therefore invoking him to make changes. Get some marriage counseling - if he won't go - go alone...again work on changing YOU...I imagine that your self esteem has taken a hard hit from all of this. You may or may not end up leaving him after sharing your thoughts and feelings with a counselor. Good luck!
You cannot change your husband. You can only change yourself. You are living with several abusive scenarios and would qualify for a stay at a women's shelter. I would advise you to get help from a place like that, and at least consider the options that leaving your husband would give you.
You want to improve the relationship you have with your husband? Leave him until he straightens up his life and get counselling together if you two decide to give it another try. He treats you badly because you let him. Just as your mother let her son treat her badly your child will see you letting your husband treat you badly. Is that the image of a father you want your child to have?
Lady you are in a strange and complex situation and the way it looks only God can help you. So my advise is:
1.Pray God to intervene and change your husband to a good caring family man and husband.
2.If possible try to influence him to accompany you to see a Marriage Counselor.
I sincerely sympathize with your predicament , be prayerful and strong.
Things have gotten so far because you have let them get so far. Close the door on any person who does not respect you. Don't do his laundry, don't cook for him, hide your money, but if you go through all this, I think it's best to just get a friggin' divorce, it would be better for everyone, including your child.
Get therapy, you need some help with your self esteem, your self respect.
You need to leave him. People don't change, they only get better at what they are. He lacks common sense and discipline. Get out.
Ask yourself why do you attract this type of behavior from people.
Sweet heart , please re-write this with paragraphs so we dont get sore eyes trying to read it without any breaks and check your spelling , you've written 1 long paragraph with no breaks and using very little grammer that is understandable.
Will look forward to you re-writing it .
It's never going to happen. You know why? You can't change people. This is a problem that so many women have... they don't realize that the only person they can change is themselves so they spend years and years in a relationship until they realize reality: You CAN'T and NEVER EVER will be able to change him. You don't believe me now, but in time you will.
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